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Character Information
Name: Doraliciosa
Sex: female
Vocation: Master Sorcerer
Level: 2473
Residence: Tibiasula Town
House: Tibiasula Guildhall 03 (Tibiasula Town)
Guild membership: Kikadinhas of the Esquadrao Prep
Last Login: May 28 2024, 08:31:30 CEST
Comment: Toda vez que sou mencionada por um de vocês invejosos,
ganho vinte quatro horas de atencao.
Account Status: Premium Account

Account Information
Created: Feb 09 2022, 8:24:20 CET [Banished until 28 May 2025, 09:45]

Character Details
Current outfit:
player outfit
Health: 2200/2200(100%)
Mana: 12180/12180 (100%)
Experience: Have 251559233268 and need 205273632 to Level 2474.
Percent: 251559233268/251764506900 (32.788775429685%)
Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fish
2473 153 26 11 10 10 10 37 10

Soul War Quest

Character Deaths
9 May 2024, 09:04 Killed at level 2476 by the primal menace (soloed)
26 Apr 2024, 23:43 Killed at level 2478 by morshabaal (soloed)
26 Apr 2024, 23:39 Killed at level 2481 by morshabaal (soloed)
23 Mar 2024, 00:13 Killed at level 2482 by a bakragore (soloed)
10 Feb 2024, 19:24 Killed at level 2475 by a mycobiontic beetle and by a bloodjaw
26 Jan 2024, 23:25 Killed at level 2456 by a wandering pillar (soloed)
20 Jan 2024, 01:07 Killed at level 2446 by a mantosaurus and by a mercurial menace
20 Jan 2024, 00:44 Killed at level 2450 by a mantosaurus and by a mercurial menace
19 Jan 2024, 23:58 Killed at level 2453 by Gaz'Haragoth (soloed)
13 Jan 2024, 13:13 Killed at level 2424 by a noxious ripptor and by a mercurial menace

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