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Character Information
Name: Pivete Sinho
Sex: male
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Level: 2238
Residence: Tibiasula Town
House: Northern Street 5 (Carlin Town)
Guild membership: One of the New Alliance
Last Login: Jul 26 2024, 21:02:16 CEST
Account Status: Premium Account

Account Information
Created: Jun 02 2022, 7:14:35 CET

Character Details
Current outfit:
player outfit
Health: 2200/2200(100%)
Mana: 12180/12180 (100%)
Experience: Have 186364331625 and need 207955775 to Level 2239.
Percent: 186364331625/186572287400 (16.849852477062%)
Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fish
2238 55 51 10 10 10 149 113 10

Soul War Quest

Character Deaths
27 Jun 2024, 13:20 Killed at level 2172 by a mercurial menace (soloed)
3 May 2024, 10:14 Killed at level 2149 by an oozing carcass and by a radicular totem
1 May 2024, 06:26 Killed at level 2146 by a bloodjaw (soloed)
22 Apr 2024, 10:28 Killed at level 2130 by a bloodjaw (soloed)
18 Apr 2024, 15:01 Killed at level 2117 by a darklight matter and by a darklight striker
16 Apr 2024, 09:18 Killed at level 2106 by a bloodjaw and by a radicular totem
15 Apr 2024, 13:45 Killed at level 2107 by a emerald tortoise and by a sabretooth
9 Apr 2024, 15:52 Killed at level 2088 by a undertaker (soloed)
9 Apr 2024, 15:24 Killed at level 2091 by a stalking stalk and by a sulphur spouter
7 Apr 2024, 23:05 Killed at level 2076 by a darklight striker and by a bloodjaw

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