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Character Information
Name: Sanguine Dois
Sex: male
Vocation: Elite Knight
Level: 586
Residence: Thais Town
Last Login: Mar 24 2024, 08:08:34 CEST
Account Status: Premium Account

Account Information
Created: Dec 25 2023, 1:32:01 CET

Character Details
Current outfit:
player outfit
Health: 2200/2200(100%)
Mana: 12180/12180 (100%)
Experience: Have 3335624173 and need 1118427 to Level 587.
Percent: 3335624173/3336742600 (93.452637556272%)
Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fish
586 8 11 10 103 36 10 75 10

Soul War Quest

Character Deaths
19 Feb 2024, 23:45 Killed at level 540 by a burning book (soloed)
30 Dec 2023, 19:35 Killed at level 538 by a biting book and by a burning book
30 Dec 2023, 19:30 Killed at level 537 by a burning book (soloed)
29 Dec 2023, 12:52 Killed at level 536 by a Crazed Summer Vanguard and by a Thanatursus
29 Dec 2023, 12:44 Killed at level 536 by an arachnophobica and by an insane siren
29 Dec 2023, 12:41 Killed at level 536 by a cobra scout (soloed)
26 Dec 2023, 16:15 Killed at level 512 by an undead elite gladiator (soloed)
26 Dec 2023, 10:30 Killed at level 512 by an undead elite gladiator (soloed)
26 Dec 2023, 09:52 Killed at level 502 by an energy elemental and by a demon outcast
26 Dec 2023, 09:29 Killed at level 490 by a demon and by a grimeleech
Name Level Vocation Status  
1. Sanguine Dois 586 Elite Knight

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